There are no words to say
No words to convey
This feeling inside I have for you
Deep in my heart
Save from the guards
Of intellect and reason
Leaving me at a loss
For words to express my feelings
Deep in my heart
Look at me losing control
Thinking I had a hold
But with feelings this strong
Im no longer the master
Of my emotions
I've been thinking a lot lately, and I don't know whether it's been too good for me. Just looking back at my short journey in the Cardiff so far, and how much has happened, thinking of all the people and situations that made me doubt myself, the times when I would just crawl into a ball on my bed and cry, holding a bottle of red wine and smoking out the window. I don't regret anything, it has all made me the person I am, my skin is a little thicker, my words a little colder, my mind sharpened.
I look around me now and I know I am home.
Gary and I have been talking about getting a kitten, which is exciting. I am a very broody person, the annoying kind whos voice goes all squeeky when talking to a baby... So yeah, getting a kitten but we can decide on a name, but I suppose we should wait till me see the kitty before naming the poor bugger.
Congratulations to my aunty Anna, popping out baby Aaron the other day, I believe he weighed a wopping 9lb 4Oz. I still haven't received any pictures, but I can't wait to meet the latest addition to my ever expanding family.
I sometimes find it hard to believe how quickly people change and grow, just talking to them I notice how much older they sound, how different they are to the children I grew up with.
Anyhow, I'm sitting here in Varsity, they've hired loads of new people and Gary has got a job on his hands to get them trained up... I love sitting in this corner and just watching people, not in a pervy way! hehe, just watch them interact with friends, drink, get drunk and then watch the stumble around like a recently born giraffe. This make me feel sane, just seeing how insane everyone else can be. I soppose that explains my attraction for TV programs such as 'Honey we're killing the kids' and 'Extreme Makeover'.
Gonna go get a drink...
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