Sunday, November 27, 2005

I Ain't No Homersexual.... Them Be The Devil!

I've always known that there was a so called ex-gay movement (so perfectly illustrated in the movie 'But I'm A Cheerleader') but only recently have those bastards started to piss me off more than a mosquito.... they've been buzzing in my ear since the day i came out... and now... i just wanna catch 'em and buzz right back at 'em.

"How does a homosexual person change?
We believe freedom from homosexuality is increasingly experienced as men and women mature through ongoing submission to the lordship of Christ and His Church. This transformation enables him or her to shed the old, sinful identity and in its place learn new ways of relating to self and others. Working through underlying relational and abuse problems is a significant component in this process. Making use of individual and pastoral counseling, support groups, personal Bible study, and a same-sex discipleship group are beneficial."

Okay I think these people need help! Serious and swift help (where be my shotgun?!?)
It makes me sad to think that in this day and age, there are still people out there who hold onto such antiquated ideas, i mean before this they would give a gay man or woman electric shock treatment or aversion therapy ( none of which work by the way, but i guess you already knew that).
Have they no idea how much harm they are doing?
All they seem to do is prey upon the minds of people, who've more often then not just come out and who've been met with rejection and anger and are having a tough time, and they tell them that jesus will make it all better, that jesus will make them normal, that jesus will debit their savings account for the total cost of the treatment (or a donation as these people like to call it).They probe them with questions and hope that maybe somewhere in the answers they can find something to do with abuse! an absent father or mother figure! addiction! these are the three main things which they love to hear.... you read it all the time in their testimonials 'i was abused as a child and it led me to homosexuality' or 'my parents divorced and i lived with my mother and i looked for my father figure in other men' or 'being gay led me to drug addiction and whoring myself infront of the 7/11 for 50p a pop!'
These people just need help! They need a shrink not a bible bashing priest who's got a cock up his arse.
Even they know that all they can do is supress and not cure... in 1987 Colin Cook who was the leader of HA(homosexuals anonymous) was kicked out! why? i hear you ask!
BECAUSE HE WAS FUCKING MEN! How about that for publicity!
These groups were established by self loathers who have experienced an abusive christian childhood! They have convinced themselves that Jesus has changed them even though by admission from several 'ex-gay' ministries, the point is not to change sexuality, it is all about celibacy and growing closer to christ! So they don't even believe in their claims nor their methods...
These people (even though they are few) are dangerous... but their biggest downfall are the testimonials from 'ex-ex gay' persons who have been through their programs and who's been harmed by them... actually, if ya fancy a good laugh, read the 'ex gay' testimonials just for kicks... you'll understand what i mean once you've read a couple.... the problem is never their homosexuality... it's always something else.

"The psychological, medical and psychiatric establishments agree that sexual orientation cannot be changed, and that so-called "reparative therapy" aimed at altering gay peoples' orientations does not work and may, in fact, be harmful."

"Ultimately, the difference between gays and ex-gays is like the difference between cheese and cheddar. The ex-gays try to drown their homosexuality in Bible verses, marriage, family, and their own new subcultural niche, but their homosexuality remains."


1 comment:

Christine Bakke said...

Just wanted to say a former ex-gay, I agree with some of what you say! :)